Sucuri naturale din fructe proaspete.


assorted fruits
assorted fruits

Fructe autohtone de calitate

A colorful assortment of fruits arranged on a light surface, including slices of orange, apple, passion fruit, and mango. A bottle of mango juice with the label 'Natural One' sits prominently in the center alongside a glass of orange juice.
A colorful assortment of fruits arranged on a light surface, including slices of orange, apple, passion fruit, and mango. A bottle of mango juice with the label 'Natural One' sits prominently in the center alongside a glass of orange juice.

Savoare din natură pură

Produse premium pentru tine

A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables surrounds a glass filled with orange juice. A carton labeled 'KAGOME Carrot & Apple' stands prominently. The assortment includes watermelon, apples, carrot slices, celery, black grapes, and other vibrant produce.
A variety of fresh fruits and vegetables surrounds a glass filled with orange juice. A carton labeled 'KAGOME Carrot & Apple' stands prominently. The assortment includes watermelon, apples, carrot slices, celery, black grapes, and other vibrant produce.
A fruit display featuring neatly arranged rows of pineapples, citrus fruit, pomegranates, and a few bananas on the side. Two juice bottles are also visible on the shelf. A sign below advertises various fruit juices like Shake, Anaar (pomegranate), Apple Juice, and Mix Fruit Juice.
A fruit display featuring neatly arranged rows of pineapples, citrus fruit, pomegranates, and a few bananas on the side. Two juice bottles are also visible on the shelf. A sign below advertises various fruit juices like Shake, Anaar (pomegranate), Apple Juice, and Mix Fruit Juice.

Produse Naturale

Gusturi autentice din fructe românești

Two cartons of Del Monte Tropical Juice Blend are positioned side by side. The packaging is primarily green and white with images of tropical fruits such as pineapple, orange, and banana. The label highlights the absence of added sugars, colors, flavors, and preservatives.
Two cartons of Del Monte Tropical Juice Blend are positioned side by side. The packaging is primarily green and white with images of tropical fruits such as pineapple, orange, and banana. The label highlights the absence of added sugars, colors, flavors, and preservatives.
Two boxes of Del Monte Tropical Juice Blend are displayed against a black background. The packaging is predominantly green with images of tropical fruits like oranges, pineapples, and bananas. The label emphasizes quality with notes about no added sugars or preservatives.
Two boxes of Del Monte Tropical Juice Blend are displayed against a black background. The packaging is predominantly green with images of tropical fruits like oranges, pineapples, and bananas. The label emphasizes quality with notes about no added sugars or preservatives.
A variety of juice cans are neatly arranged on a refrigerator shelf. The visible flavors include grape, apple, and orange juice, all by the brand Welch's. The cans prominently display labels indicating 100% juice with bold colors and clear nutritional information on the side.
A variety of juice cans are neatly arranged on a refrigerator shelf. The visible flavors include grape, apple, and orange juice, all by the brand Welch's. The cans prominently display labels indicating 100% juice with bold colors and clear nutritional information on the side.

Savurează sucuri naturale din fructe alese.


Direct din natură, pentru sănătatea ta.


Experimentează savoarea citricelor spaniole autentice.

woman wearing yellow long-sleeved dress under white clouds and blue sky during daytime

Sucurile naturale de la Naturabacau sunt delicioase și pline de savoare. Recomand cu încredere!

Maria P.

Three glasses filled with colorful fruit juices are placed on a dark surface. Yellow, red, and orange juices are splashing out of each glass. In the foreground, there is a variety of fruits that include an orange, a kiwi, a guava, and a strawberry.
Three glasses filled with colorful fruit juices are placed on a dark surface. Yellow, red, and orange juices are splashing out of each glass. In the foreground, there is a variety of fruits that include an orange, a kiwi, a guava, and a strawberry.

Am descoperit gustul autentic al fructelor românești. Fiecare sticlă este o bucurie pentru papile!

Ion S.

A bottle of orange juice is centrally placed among various orange slices on a bright turquoise background. The label on the bottle indicates it is 100% natural orange juice.
A bottle of orange juice is centrally placed among various orange slices on a bright turquoise background. The label on the bottle indicates it is 100% natural orange juice.

Fructe naturale, sucuri pentru tine

La Naturabacau, ne dedicăm producerii de sucuri naturale din fructe românești, având grijă ca fiecare produs să fie sănătos, gustos și respectând cele mai înalte standarde de calitate.

A supermarket shelf displaying a variety of juice cartons. The top row features red and green cartons with tomato and mixed fruit juices. Below are rows of multicolored cartons with flavors including watermelon, vegetable, and pomegranate. Each row is labeled with prices in yellow and white tags.
A supermarket shelf displaying a variety of juice cartons. The top row features red and green cartons with tomato and mixed fruit juices. Below are rows of multicolored cartons with flavors including watermelon, vegetable, and pomegranate. Each row is labeled with prices in yellow and white tags.
Produse de calitate premium
Natural, sigur, sănătos

Culegem fructele direct din natură, asigurându-ne că fiecare sticlă de suc reflectă savoarea și autenticitatea roadelor noastre, fie că sunt locale sau exotice, pentru adevărați iubitori de gusturi.